My sweet girl, you are growing up so quickly. I know it sounds so cliché but it’s so true. Every day, it seems like you are saying something new and coming up with funny things to say! A week ago, you looked at baby Titus and said “Hiiii Ti-tusss! Hey buddy!”
You love being the center of attention - you know how to make people laugh and love to work the crowd!! I love it when you go around an entire room shaking everyone’s hand or passing out free hugs and kisses. It’s so cute, not to mention extremely loving and kind. :)
Some of your favorite things are...
DANCING! Anytime you hear music, you stop what you’re doing and bust a move!
wearing dresses and shoes!
stickers, drawing and “co-luhs” (crayons)
taking care of her babies, Emmie and Ash-ooo (Ashlee)
Emmie is your favorite though. You like to carry her around, feed her, love her, make her dance, put her down for a nap and sometimes throw her across the room saying “uh-oh Em-mieee!” :)
pips (chips)
ma-pies (aka little gerber puffs)
It’s the most amazing blessing to be your mommy. I love you so much and am so thankful the Lord has given us the privilege of being your parents. Each day is a precious gift and I can’t wait for the next!