
Blog Bible Study: A Woman After God's Own Heart

I am joining in to this Blog Bible Study that my friend Lindsay told me about. This is directly from her blog.

Monica from Blessed Mama and Rebekah from Life with Edwards have decided to start a blog bible study - GREAT IDEA! The book/study that has been chosen is A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. Just by reading little snippets of it, I think it will be a great book and study.

The Blog Bible Study (BSS) will start on 2.2.11. You can either buy the book by itself or both the book and study. That's up to you on how much you want to spend and if you'd like to have the study right in front of you.

This is how the Blog Bible Study will all go down...
Monica and Rebekah will each have the book and the study guide and will post the questions for each chapter a week BEFORE we actually discuss it, giving adequate time to get it done. (They're still waiting to receive their books and study guides, so we'll know more once they can go through them and figure out exactly what they'll post on these days.) They will each have posts and links on their blogs so everyone can post and then link up on the correct day.

Here are the links:
For A Woman After God's Own Heart go HERE

For the Growth and Study Guide go HERE

The girls also found them on Amazon for a bit cheaper, so either way works!  Just make sure that you compare the books from the Elizabeth George website with Amazon's books.  There are a few versions of this book. There's a daily devotional, a deluxe version and more. So, make sure you get the Updated and Expanded version of the book and the Growth and Study Guide.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like an awesome study! I might have to check it out!

    Come on ice storm!! ;)

